Produced by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (03:47) introduces the Baha’i Gardens in Haifa, a UN World Heritage Site located on the slopes of Mount Carmel. The Baha’i World Center contains
Produced by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (02:42) highlights the diverse city of Haifa as a symbol of religious coexistence through the annual “Holiday of Holidays” festival, where people gather to
This video (02:31) briefly introduces the city of Akko, highlighting its ancient history, archaeological sites, diverse population, and the historic outdoor market, famous for its produce, spices, pastries and fresh fish from the nearby
This video (02:30) shows aerial footage of the beautiful Baha’i Gardens in Akko, which surround the mansion where Bahá’u’lláh, the prophet and founder of the Bahá’í faith, lived during the final years of his
Produced by the Old Acre Development Company and the Ministry of Tourism, this creative video (08:35) blends video footage and animation to take viewers on a journey through the Old City of Akko, including
This article from the Jewish Virtual Library presents a historical overview of the Golan heights from biblical through modern times, a description of the local Druze and Jewish population groups, an economic profile of
From the website of Karen Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund, Israel’s largest green organization, this site summarizes the organization’s activities in the Galilee, including projects in the fields of water management, tourism, research, community
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