eishet chayil

Introduction to Eishet Chayil: Video & Text (Hebrew, English, Transliteration)

Introduction to Eishet Chayil: Video & Text (Hebrew, English, Transliteration)

This video presents a simple, clear version of the most popular melody for Eishet Chayil, composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1953. With on screen Hebrew, English and transliterated lyrics of the text from Proverbs 31,

How To Read Eshet Chayil: Reflections from a Feminist Scholar

How To Read Eshet Chayil: Reflections from a Feminist Scholar

This reflection by feminist scholar, Dr. Wendy Zierler, traces her evolving relationship with the words of Eshet Chayil over the course of her life. She suggests several ways of reading the text, exploring the Kabbalistic