
A “Tkhine” for Lighting Candles on Shavuot

A “Tkhine” for Lighting Candles on Shavuot

This “tkhine” (supplication) is a para-liturgical prayer in Hebrew and Yiddish with an English translation that is meant to be recited by a woman after lighting candles to welcome the holiday of Shavuot, an

Candle Lighting Photography Project

Candle Lighting Photography Project

In this creative project, artist Helene Fischman presents photographs of women lighting Shabbat candles. Her inspiration comes from both the transformative power of the ritual itself and its significance as an ancient spiritual tradition.

Zelda: To Light Candles in All the Worlds

Zelda: To Light Candles in All the Worlds

In this poem, the modern Hebrew poet, Zelda, describes the meaning of Shabbat candles. Her understanding of the Shabbat candles as a reminder of the redemptive power of light reflects our tradition’s understanding

Shlomo Carlebach: The Shabbat Candles Story

Shlomo Carlebach: The Shabbat Candles Story

In this 12 minute long audio recording, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach tells an inspirational story, centered on the Shabbat candles. A narrative of hope and resilience, the story is about a young couple he met