Archive for 2018

Don Mclean: Jerusalem

Don Mclean: Jerusalem

This video presents American singer-songwriter Don McLean’s song “Jerusalem,” written at the request of then-Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek for a promotional film for the city. The lyrics, provided below, describe Jerusalem as a

Blue Fringe: City of Gold

Blue Fringe: City of Gold

A moving song to Jerusalem, City of Gold was written by Blue Fringe, an American Jewish band.  City Of Gold What have I become When all I feel is numb To the numbers

Paul Simon: Silent Eyes

Paul Simon: Silent Eyes

Written by American singer-songwriter Paul Simon, Silent Eyes is a moving song about Jerusalem.  Silent Eyes Silent eyes Watching Jerusalem Make her bed of stones Silent eyes No one will comfort her Jerusalem

Glykeria: Shabechi Yerushalyim

Glykeria: Shabechi Yerushalyim

This video presents Greek singer Glykeria’s Hebrew performance of the Israeli folk song, Shabechi Yerushalayim, together with the Israeli Philarmonic Orchestra. While the original song was written by Avihu Medina, the lyrics, which implore the

Hadag Nachash: Here I Come (Lyrics & Lesson Plan)

Hadag Nachash: Here I Come (Lyrics & Lesson Plan)

This post presents Hadag Nachash’s song “Here I Come,” which follows one man’s journey between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and all that these two polar opposite cities represent about Israeli society. The Hebrew

Yonina: Jerusalem Mashup

Yonina: Jerusalem Mashup

In this video, husband-wife team, Yonina, perform a creative medley of traditional and modern songs about Jerusalem, including Yaakov Shwekey’s melody for “If I Forget Thee, Oh Jerusalem,” an Israeli folk song by Amos Etinger, and

Ethiopian Jews Celebrate Sigd in Jerusalem

Ethiopian Jews Celebrate Sigd in Jerusalem

Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short news segment (02:26) introduces the ancient Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd, which symbolizes the acceptance of the Torah and yearning for Jerusalem. Filmed at the annual

Daliah Lavi: Jerusalem

Daliah Lavi: Jerusalem

This video presents Israeli actress, singer and model Daliah Lavi performing her song, Jerusalem, released in 1970. The lyrics, provided below, express the eternal exploration of the significance of Jerusalem. Jerusalem Where the

Lach Yerushalayim: An Israeli Folk Song

Lach Yerushalayim: An Israeli Folk Song

This video presents the Israeli folk song, Lach Yerushalayim, written by Amos Etinger, composed by A. Rubinstein, and performed by Ran Eliran. The lyrics, provided below in Hebrew, English and transliterated, are a

Maureen Nehedar: Beautiful Heights

Maureen Nehedar: Beautiful Heights

This video features Persian Jewish singer, Maureen Nehedar, singing an emotive melody for a moving song about Jerusalem, with lyrics by Spanish Jewish physician, poet and philosopher, Rabbi Yehuda Halevi (1075-1141), and Yemenite