Washing for a Meal: The Practical, The Philosophical & The Mystical

Washing for a Meal: The Practical, The Philosophical & The Mystical

In these three long video lectures, Chabad Rabbi Mendel Kaplan breaks down the mitzvah of Netilat Yadayim at mealtime, with an in-depth exploration of the practical, philosophical and mystical aspects of the hand washing ritual. These videos are beneficial for anyone who is looking to dedicate their time to seriously deepen their understanding of the ritual.  Chabad, a Hasidic sect revolutionized in the 20th century by the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, is dedicated to helping Jews from religious and nonreligious backgrounds strengthen their connection to Judaism.

Part I: The Practical (45 minutes)

Part 2: The Philosophical (30 minutes)

Part 3: The Mystical (30 minutes)